Avatar of Lakhindar Pal

Lakhindar Pal

About Me

Greetings! I'm a dedicated and detail-oriented Full Stack Web Developer from India with a unique background. Despite completing my B.Sc. in Physics, my passion for coding led me to master a diverse set of technologies, including HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React, NodeJS, MongoDB and more.

Beyond the realm of coding, I am an anime enthusiast. Engaging narratives and vivid storytelling within the captivating anime universe serve as my wellspring of creativity and motivation.

Perpetually eager to learn and collaborate, I actively seek out intriguing projects where innovation and teamwork converge. Let's embark on a journey of constant growth and impactful collaboration.




JavaScript TypeScript C Lang


HTML5 CSS3 React Bootstrap Tailwind CSS


Node JS ExpressJS Discord.js NPM




Git GitHub VS Code Editor


Heroku Railway Vercel Netlify


CodePen JSFiddle Glitch Replit

Soft Skills

  • Communication
  • Teamwork
  • Problem-solving

Work Experience


  1. Hacktoberfest 2021 Triumph:

    Recognized for outstanding contributions during Hacktoberfest 2021, showcasing my commitment to collaborative development within the open source community.

    Date: October 2021

  2. Pioneering Self-Taught Path:

    Mastery in web development attained through a self-driven learning odyssey, reflecting resilience and passion for diverse technological skills.

    Date: on-going


Screenshot of Almighty bot

Almighty - Discord Multipurpose Bot

Almighty transcends the role of a typical Discord bot; it stands as a versatile tool meticulously to elevate server experience. It stands as a testament to my unwavering commitment to innovation in crafting dynamic and impactful digital solutions.

Technologies: Node.js, Discord.js, MongoDB, Express, EJS

Source Code Live Demo
Screenshot of Portfolio website

Portfolio Website

My portfolio website seamlessly blends aesthetics and functionality. It showcases not just my skills but a testament to my commitment to creating visually appealing and interactive web experiences. Dive into a journey of innovation and proficiency as you explore my digital haven.

Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Source Code Live Demo
Screenshot of MyAniJot app=

MyAniJot - Anime Listing Web App

MyAniJot empowers users to effortlessly track watched and planned anime. Demonstrating proficiency in crafting user-friendly interfaces and dynamic functionality, it embodies my commitment to creating seamless and engaging digital experiences.

Technologies: MERN Stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js)

Source Code Live Demo

Contact Me

Feel free to reach out if you have any inquiries or opportunities.